Help us convert the tonlé workshop to solar power

help us run our zero waste workshop in Cambodia with solar power

This week, all gifts cards are 20% off with the code GOSOLAR and 100% of the sales will go towards converting our workshop to solar.

Purchase a gift card with a 20% discount here!

It's something we've been considering for a while as we try to reduce our carbon footprint and make one of the lowest impact garment production facilities.


However, this week due to power shortages across the country the government abruptly cut off the power for half the day and announced that this change would be on-going for at least three months. As a result we've had to reduce the capacity at our workshop, while we're still paying full time salaries to our team. Many people are rapidly trying to buy up generators, which will no doubt dramatically increase the amount of emissions going into Phnom Penh's already polluted skies, and this is not something we want to contribute to. 

We've received quotes for installing a solar system and battery as soon as next week. This will cost between $8,000 - $15,000, accounting for additional infrastructure changes we will need to make and to recoup the costs for the lost production of the interim weeks. This solar panel will pay for itself in the long run, but this was not an expense we were expecting in the short term. 

Your contribution to this campaign will help us fund converting out workshop to solar, keep our production moving and providing employment to our team in the short term, and in the long term dramatically reduce our carbon footprint. We have calculated that powering our workshop with solar would reduce our emissions by at least a further 288,000 pounds of carbon over the next two years alone, in addition to the impact our production is already making. With your help we can do even more! 

Ways you can support: 100% of gift card sales and 80% of e-commerce sales this week will go to our solar panel fund as well as supporting the staffing costs while we are unable to produce. Don't forget to use the code GOSOLAR at checkout to get 20% off your gift card. Additionally, sharing this post on social media is also very helpful! 


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